Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Eternal Struggle

Like the butterfly emerging from the crysalis, we all eventually change. Whether it is in looks, personality, ambitions or feelings we all inevitably move away from being the caterpillar.
However, transformation does not come without struggle and sometimes we do not know what to make of change, or know if we even want to pursue it.
How can a person be so sure of themselves and what they want one day and then be stuck at a crossroads the next? Is it a test of character and strength? Is it a chance for serendipity? Either path you choose will bear fruit, and whether it is apples or lemons is how you perceive that path.
You can either choose the smoothest course, do what you thought was right - what you thought you wanted - for years, or you can follow the path of most resistance, uncertain and of undetermined length. The latter will eventually lead to the first path if that is what you truly want out of life, the question is whether you want to take the easy or the hard path.
Every wise English teacher we have ever had has quoted to us that is not the destination but the journey that counts, so will my journey be easy or memorable?
No one wants to face heartbreak, but if we hide from it before it even happens will you ever experience anything? We must fight for what we believe in and want the most, and we need to try and never forget who we are. Have I forgotten?
Searching through discarded papers I find words that I had once written:

"praise the underdog who finds beauty and happiness in the simplest of tasks. he who achieves this will truly be free. break away from the constraints of society and taste the fruits of knowledge and you will find yourself richer than anyone who places more value in the economy than in love and peace. surround yourself with good company, for those who seek lies will bring nothing but hurt, and one should only judge their happiness in the amount of friends, if they must judge at all. keep your integrity, just don’t expect justice. lose your pride, never your faith and always hope. never stop questioning everything, grant forgiveness and show mercy always, and even if you do not accept religion, don’t feel ashamed to pray. in the end we are only human, and we are weak, so do not feel you need to win, especially when there is no contest. allow yourself to fail, fail miserably, and then breathe and learn from all mistakes, not just your own. we are all good and bad, evil and kind, so just as you are taught not to judge art, music, and literature too harshly, try not to judge others, for we all live together and one day you may need their help."

Though I had forgotten, when I read this I realize that I still believe and should prove that to myself once again. I will have a memorable life.