Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 18th

So, let me just start by saying that I didn't end up getting a new car, and I'm extremely thankful for that... the taxes are way too high...

 Now to the subject of February 18th. My birthday. Just another day on the calender, only this one marks the day that I age, getting one step closer to the end. Since turning 19 I've never really given my birthday a second thought, cooking my own birthday dinners and celebrating with one or two people, but mainly uneventful. In fact, I can't say that I completely enjoy my birthdays anymore, and it doesn't overly upset me.

However, there are a few things that I miss terribly about my birthdays when I was younger. First, the excitement. Getting to have friends come over for some incredibly accurate themed party, which I got to pick (congratulations to my mother for actually creating a purple themed party), and getting to open gifts. It wasn't so much the items that were exciting, but finding out what was under the paper.
I miss going out for our family dinners, any restaurant of my choice, and my birthday breakfast that I would wake up to - a pancake shaped into the number of your age.

 Mainly, however, I just miss my family. A birthday is just another day, and one that is supposed to be focused on the birthday girl, or boy, but it doesn't occur to you just how much of a family event it is until you leave home.

 So, on my birthday - my day - I'd like to thank my family for giving just another day some significance.
Love you and miss you all.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I want the second-hand one please...

So as it turns out, I'm not very good at this whole blog thing... Actually remembering to post anything is ridiculously hard and, besides that, I've had a lot on mind the past little while. Too much to actually remember to do anything trivial, or important for that matter.
 Sitting here at the next crossroads of my life I realize that I am not ready to move forward. There is a guy standing in front of my with keys to brand new sports car, no taxes, and even though I can see the road behind him I don't want to get into the car. I know that my old car is now broken down, rusty, with one door torn partly off, and it shouldn't be used anymore, but I don't want to trade it in just yet.
Maybe, instead, I'll go to the used car lot next to me and buy a cheap second-hand one for now. Just something to get me down to the next new car.
I don't want the life choice that has presented itself to me, but I know now that I can't actually stay where I am anymore. It has caused a change already, although I am hoping that it doesn't progress.

 For now, I am ok with a second-hand car, as long as it gets me somewhere that I want to be, and it's not down the road that the fancy new life-choice car is pointed.