Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year...

   And so it begins. Another 365 days, 360 days now, to make false promises to ourselves, and then spoon feed ourselves large quantities of guilt when we fail to keep these promises.
I have decided this year that I shall forgo the bullshit and will make no New Year's resolutions. Why should I lie to myself for another year, promising myself that I will make that effort to go to the gym every day and eat healthy and flavourless fibre-filled foods, only to end up in a puddle of self pity by mid-April clutching a tub of chocolate Haagen-Dazs ice cream?
 This year I am making no resolutions, no promises, nothing that I can label as a commitment that I will feel self pity for if it falls through. Instead, every weekday morning I will get up before it is completely necessary for me to do so and will go for a run, or head to the gym for an hour or so. I will eat less junk food and more carrots, but will not cut those delicious fats out of my diet completely. I will choose to go for a walk with my boyfriend over watching that one more episode of a really good tv show. And by mid-April I will stand in the middle of my puddle of pity, radiant, naked and full of self love. Damn, I will look good.
 And I will not beat myself up if I miss a day of exercise, or eat that half a pint of creamy goodness on a weekend with the girls. It's not a promise or a commitment to eat healthier or exercise, there is no resolution here, so I'm not breaking a promise or commitment if I forget one day or indulge another. I am choosing, however, to live a slightly healthier lifestyle. One with more physical exercise, healthier food choices and absolutely no self pity.
I haven't promised myself I will be healthier for each of the 365 days, so I can't feel bad if I am not healthy one day and feel like I've broken my promise, because there was no promise. I will, however, most likely end up with no self pity as a result, or at least less self pity. I now have rubber boots for those puddles.
 And in the end, isn't that better than any New Year's resolution?

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